March 2020

March 2020 – Support During Challenging Times

Inside the Newsletter:

Resources at MnTAP | How to Connect with MnTAP | USDA Rural Development Launches COVID-19 Resource | MPCA Establishes Regulatory Flexibility at COVID-19 Impacted Facilities | CARES ACT Information | 2020 Intern Symposium

The University of Minnesota is committed to ensuring workplace health and safety. In light of that commitment and the current circumstances surrounding COVID-19, MnTAP is working remotely and are available to help your business or community with information, source reduction opportunities and waste, water or energy efficiency measures.

How to connect with MnTAP

Telephone or e-mail assistance from MnTAP can help your organization:

  • Get quick answers to waste and energy-related questions
  • Discover opportunities for rebates, low interest loans, and grants
  • Start more in-depth pollution prevention and energy efficiency initiatives


If you have a question, contact one of our industry specialists directly. If you are not sure who to contact, e-mail MnTAP.


Give us a call! Both our main and staff telephone lines are available and voice messages are responded to as soon as possible.

612-624-1300 or 800-247-0015


The MnTAP website can be a useful source of information for your organization. The website has many guide-lines, resources, worksheets, webinars, and case-studies that may give you ideas or guide you to you what are looking for.

Read Publications covering topics such as: pollution prevention and energy efficiency, Solutions, IMPACT, and past newsletters

View webinars covering topics such as: Compressed Air, Degreasing, Food Processing, Paint, and Plastics

Frequently Requested Assistance Areas

USDA Rural Development Launches COVID-19 Resource

Visit the Rural Development COVID-19 Response page for information on Rural Development loan payment assistance, application deadline extensions, and more.

MPCA Establishes Regulatory Flexibility at COVID-19 Impacted Facilities

Many industries in Minnesota have been ordered to suspend operations for the duration of the emergency declaration. The MPCA is aware that regulated entities may be impacted from a reduced workforce necessary to maintain normal operations at some facilities. All permittees and operators are expected to meet all terms and conditions of their permits, including conditions applicable to cessation of operations. If regulated entities will have an unavoidable noncompliance situation directly due to impact from COVID-19, the MPCA is accepting requests for regulatory flexibility.


CARES ACT Information

The Minnesota Business Finance Corporation (MBFC) has recently posted links to the National Association of Development Companies (NADCO). documents containing important details on the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act for small businesses. We have included the links here for subscribers who may find them helpful.

The Small Business Owner’s Guide to the CARES ACT

The Small Business Provisions in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Explained


MnTAP plans to resume our regular newsletter in April highlighting the MnTAP 2019 Impact with results and case studies.  If you have a topic you would like to see answered, please feel free to email it to:

2020 Intern Symposium

Save the Date!
This year’s Intern Symposium is scheduled to take place on August 19th.  We have 22 student projects where the students will present their hard work and savings.