Brewing & Distilling

Brewing and Distilling

Microbreweries have been one of the fastest growing industries in Minnesota, and microdistilleries are on the rise. This industry has set itself apart by seeking sustainable solutions from the start.  In this growing sector, sustainable practices help keep costs down and can be the competitive edge a growing business needs to be successful.

MnTAP’s current effort is to encourage more environmentally sustainable practices at microbreweries and micro distilleries by using a check list approach to initially identify opportunities for energy, water, waste and wastewater effluent cost savings and then maintain best practices in the future.  MnTAP will assist 8-10 eligible companies with benchmarking, onsite technical assistance and implementation recommendations, including up to $500 in equipment.  Eligible companies would be brewers producing <20,000 bbl/yr and distillers producing <40,000 bbl/yr.


Current Intern Projects

2017: Fulton Brewing Intern
Goal: Reduce waste and wastewater at a craft brewery.
Executive Summary | Final Presentation

2017: CEE Intern
Goal: Increase energy efficiency at small industrial facilities.
Executive Summary | Final Presentation

Past Projects

2016: Lincoln Park Neighborhood project
Goal: Benchmark data and conduct energy, water, and waste audits at small businesses in the Lincoln Park neighborhood. Assessments included one local beverage manufacturer.
Executive SummaryFinal Presentation

2015: Antea project / MCES wastewater issue
Goal: Conduct benchmarking study of Minnesota craft breweries and complete road-mapping assessments and reports at select sites.
Executive Summary | Final Presentation

2011:  August Schell
Goal: Recover waste heat from the brewing and pasteurizing processes and reduce wastewater strength charges.
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Links and Resources

Contact Us

The Minnesota Technical Assistance Program located at the University of Minnesota is a non-regulatory, confidential service geared towards conserving resources, improving efficiency, and reducing costs in Minnesota businesses. Give us a call to schedule your no-cost assessment!

Daniel ChangMnTAP Associate Engineer
612-624-0808 |

Matt Domski MnTAP Waste Prevention Specialist
612-624-5119 |