Matt Domski

mattMatt Domski

Waste Prevention Specialist / Intern Program Manager | 612–624–5119

Matt began with MnTAP in the intern program during the summer of 2012 and came on full-time later that year to focus on organic waste reduction and diversion projects. Matt’s work with solid waste has opened pathways to projects focused on water conservation and wastewater loading management. He has also spent time working with the automotive repair and refinish industries as part of MnTAP’s efforts towards improving air quality and increasing operational efficiency.

Something that drives Matt’s work is the challenge of finding source reduction solutions — as in preventing waste of materials before they need to be managed. Recycling is extremely valuable, but if we can reduce and reuse, before recycling, we can make a greater impact on resource use, costs, and our environment.

Education / Training

  • Bachelor of Science in Bioproducts Marketing & Management, minor in Corporate Environmental Management – University of Minnesota

Professional Associations

  • Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) – Land of Lakes Chapter, Board Member