2022 Intern Projects

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Minnesota Grocers Association, Parker Grunvig

Goal: Lead a project focused on refrigeration system best practices and recommendations for small grocery stores in Minnesota. 

St. Cloud Nutrient, Energy & Water Recovery, Brandon Knick

Goal: Lead a pilot project focused on the anaerobic digestion of food waste. 

Miller Manufacturing, Devin Fleck

Goal: Lead a project focused waste and energy reduction at a manufacturer and distributor of farm, ranch and pet products. 

Heartland Corn Products, David Isaac

Goal: Lead a project focused on water conservation at an ethanol plant. 

Seagate Technology, Megan Tardoni

Goal: Lead a project focused on water conservation and energy efficiency.

Kemps LLC, Sai Ramreddy

Goal: Lead a project focused on water conservation at a local food manufacturing facility.

M Health Fairview, Thomas Stocking

Goal: Lead a project focused on water and energy conservation through steam system efficiency.

Advance Corporation, Madeline Danforth

Goal: Lead a project focused on pollution prevention at a braille signage and awards manufacturing facility.

Ball Corporation, Michael Flemming

Goal: Lead a project focused on chemical use reduction and water conservation at a can manufacturing facility.

Clearway Community Energy, Olajumobi Akeeb

Goal: Lead a water conservation and energy efficiency project at a steam and chilled water plant.

Stylmark Inc, Toby Pablo

Goal: Lead a project focused on energy efficiency.

Twin City Tanning Co, Shane Johnson

Goal: Lead a project focused on water conservation and wastewater loading reduction. 

Beckman Coulter, Nicole Thompson

Goal: Lead a project focused on waste reduction at a medical diagnostics manufacturer.  

Faribault Mill, Payton Buendorf

Goal: Lead a project focused on energy efficiency. 

U Market Services, University of Minnesota, Hope Werstler

Goal: Lead a project focused on the development, trial and implementation of strategies that minimize waste from single-use packaging materials.

Mustad USA, Nathan Miller

Goal: Lead a project conserving energy at a horse shoe manufacturer.