
Waste Reduction Projects

wasteprojects-2Demonstrating Source Reduction Strategies for Food Waste
in Public Schools (2015-2016)

Funded By: U.S. EPA Region 5

MnTAP is partnering with state and county government entities, foundations, associations, and school districts to assess food waste prevention opportunities at several schools. MnTAP will then work with one school during school year 2015-2016 to implement source reduction strategies.

Assisting Minnesota Communities with Solid Waste Reduction through Trainings and On-Site Assessments (2012-2014)

Funded By: U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development 

To begin tackling the issue of solid waste in rural communities, MnTAP partnered with government entities and civic organizations in 10 of 53 eligible Minnesota counties with small communities to host no-cost trainings and assessments for local government staff and the business community. MnTAP conducted 13 training events and 20 waste assessments in communities with populations under 10,000. MnTAP targeted these areas because businesses and county staff in smaller communities often do not have access to waste reduction resources offered to organizations closer to the metro area.

A nine minute waste reduction assessment video in both English and Spanish was produced that outlines how to look for solid waste reduction opportunities in most small business operations.

Developing a Template for Food Waste and Organics Management for Business Clusters (2012)

Funded By: Ramsey and Washington Counties

Through two intern projects, MnTAP developed tools and case studies related to organics and recycling waste management in food processing and restaurant business clusters. These efforts contributed to both Ramsey/Washington County and MnTAP resources for businesses seeking help with food waste and organics management.

Reducing Solid Waste in Surgical Centers (2011-2012)

Funded By: U.S. EPA Region 5

MnTAP assisted surgical departments in procuring hard case sterilization containers to reduce the use and disposal of blue wrap. Additionally, MnTAP, along with University of Minnesota faculty, supervised a student who conducted research to evaluate and quantify the relative life cycle environmental impacts of hard case sterilization containers and blue wrap.

Creating a Model for Event Center Food Waste Reduction (2011-2012)

Funded By: U.S. EPA Region 5

MnTAP developed a food utilization and food waste management plan for event centers in the City of Eagan to demonstrate the applicability and availability of food waste reduction and reuse opportunities.