Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency Opportunities for Iron Mines


To make mining more efficient, the U.S. mining industry partnered with U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Effiecency and Renewable Energy (EERE)to complete a number of tasks including developing an energy analysis to identify energy-saving opportunities. about these efforts.

Through a U.S. Department of Energy–sponsored project, MnTAP facilitated compressed air audits at United Taconite and Hibbing Taconite. From that project, MnTAP learned that facilities have common opportunities for energy efficiency improvements: leak reduction, storage, sequencing, and removing inappropriate uses such as cooling bearings and cleaning conveyor belts. A fact sheet, Air Compressor Energy-Saving Tips, is available to help your mine save energy.

A number of energy intensive mining processes are similar to processes in other sectors:
Process Heat 
Compressed Air