Regulatory Information for FRP Shops
FRP shops must comply with multiple environmental, health, and safety regulations. Find information on air and hazardous waste regulations through the links below.
- Listed Metals in Specified Products. In 1991, the Minnesota Legislature passed laws requiring reduction of four metals in specified products. These metals, which include lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium and chromium, all have known adverse effects on public health and the environment.
- Towels, Wipes and Sorbents. The MPCA fact sheet outlines management options for shop towels, wipes and sorbents.
- MPCA, Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP). Provides free, non-regulatory environmental assistance to small businesses. The focus is on compliance assistance, but there is also an emphasis on pollution prevention opportunities to get small businesses out of regulatory loop or into less burdensome regulatory process.
- Self-Evaluation Checklists. SBEAP has developed a number of resources to help FRP shops understand and reduce their emissions, including National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) log sheets and self-evaluation checklists.
- Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Minnesota Office. Minnesota OSHA (MNOSHA) is committed to helping Minnesotans improve workplace safety and health. Some of these services include outreach, consultation and enforcement efforts.