2019 Arrowhead Environmental Conference
The Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA) and Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) welcome you to the first annual Arrowhead Environmental Conference in Duluth, MN. Hear from twelve industry professionals speaking on topics including toxicology, air quality, solid waste, water quality, and mining. Conference includes breakfast and lunch. Social hour to follow.
Schedule of Presentations
- Toxicology
- A Mesocosm Experiment Using an Aquatic Macrophyte Indicator Species in Mine Influenced Sediments (O’Neill Tedrow - NTS)
- Cross-species Evaluation of Molecular Target Sequence and Structural Conservation as a Line of Evidence for Identification of Susceptible Taxa to Inform Toxicity Testing (Carlie LaLone - EPA)
- Air Quality
- Practical Applications of USEPA’s Recent Air Permitting Guidance (Tony Colombari - Trinity)
- Managing Environmental Nuisances: Odor & Noise ( Angie Wanger – Trinity)
- Seeing Through the Haze: An Overview and Update on EPA’s Regional Haze Rule (Allison Serakos and Erik Boleman – Barr Engineering)
- Lunch Hour
- Polymet Mining Update- LaTisha Gietzen Director of Public and Community Affairs–Polymet Mining)
- Solid Waste
- Managing disposal of Chronic Waste Diseased Deer (David Benke – MPCA)
- Managing Recyclables under current market conditions (Bill Keegan – DemCon)
- Closure of a MSW Landfill on Minnesota's Iron Range (Cami Van Able – Terracon)
- Water Quality
- PFAS - Positive Steps for the Future (Donovan Hannu – Bay West)
- St. Louis River Estuary Restoration (Daryl Peterson - MN Land Trust)
- Better Stormwater Treatment with New Sustainable Drainage Aggregate (Monte Niemi – TDA Manufacturing)